WireMock 3.6.0 - New Array Helpers

How to use the new array helpers in WireMock 3.6.0

Posted by Lee Turner on Friday, May 24, 2024

WireMock version 3.6.0 has just been released containing a number of new features, bug fixes and dependency updates. Version 3.6.0 has a number of new template helpers to make working with arrays much easier when using Response Templating.

In this post we are going to explore the new array helpers and how to use them.

arrayAdd - add elements to an array

The arrayAdd helper can be used to add elements to an array based on a position value or the start or end keywords. If no position is specified, the element will be added to end of the array.

{{arrayAdd (array 1 'three') 2 position=1}} // [1, 2, three]
{{arrayAdd (array 1 'three') 2 position='start'}} // [2, 1, three]
{{arrayAdd (array 1 'three') 2 position='end'}} // [1, three, 2]
{{arrayAdd (array 1 'three') 2}} // [1, three, 2]

arrayRemove - remove elements from an array

The arrayRemove helper can be used to remove elements from an array based on a position value or the start or end keywords. If no position is specified, the last element will be removed.

{{arrayRemove (array 1 2 'three') position=1}} // [1, three]
{{arrayRemove (array 1 2 'three') position='start'}} // [2, three]
{{arrayRemove (array 1 2 'three') position='end'}} // [1, 2]
{{arrayRemove (array 1 2 'three')}} // [1, 2]

arrayJoin - join elements of an array

The arrayJoin helper will concatenate the values passed to it with the separator specified

{{arrayJoin ',' (array 'One' 'Two' 'Three')}} // One,Two,Three
{{arrayJoin ' - ' 'a' 'b' 'c'}} // a - b - c
{{arrayJoin ' , ' (range 1 5)}} // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
{{arrayJoin ':' (array 'One' 'Two' 'Three')}} // One:Two:Three

arrayJoin will allow you to specify a prefix and suffix to be added to the start and end of the result

{{arrayJoin ',' (array '1' '2' '3') prefix='[' suffix=']'}} // [1,2,3]
{{arrayJoin ' * ' (array 1 2 3) prefix='(' suffix=')'}} // (1 * 2 * 3)

arrayJoin can also be used as a block helper

// first parse some json
{{#parseJson 'myThings'}}
    [ { "id": 1,
    "name": "One" },
    { "id": 2,
    "name": "Two" },
    { "id": 3,
    "name": "Three" }]
[{{#arrayJoin ', ' myThings as |item|}}
    "name{{item.id}}": "{{item.name}}"
{{/arrayJoin}}] // [{ "name1": "One" }, { "name2": "Two" }, { "name3": "Three" }]

The last example shows how you can use arrayJoin as a block helper to iterate over an array of objects and output valid JSON. Before the arrayJoin helper was released outputting JSON from an array of objects was a little more clunky because you had to use the #each helper and then check if you were on the last item to avoid adding a comma:

{{#each myThings as |item|}}
    "name{{item.id}}": "{{item.name}}"
    }{{#not @last}},{{/not}}

The new arrayJoin helper makes this much cleaner and easier to read. You can download and get started with WireMock 3.6.0 from the WireMock website. The full list of new features and bug fixes can be found in the release notes. If you have any questions or need help with the new array helpers, join us in the WireMock Community Slack.

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WireMock 3.6.0 - New Array Helpers