Lee Turner

A random stream of thoughts and software experiments

WireMock 3.6.0 - New Array Helpers

How to use the new array helpers in WireMock 3.6.0

WireMock 3.6.0 has been released with new array helpers. This post shows how to use them.

Returning Images From Micronaut Controllers

How to load an image from the classpath and return it from a Micronaut controller

This week I was browsing the Micronaut Gitter channel and instantly got nerd snipped

Creating Hugo Blog Posts from Meetup Pages using Kotlin Script and JSoup

Automating workflows by scraping Meetup pages using Kotlin Script and JSoup

There is a lot of admin involved in running a meetup group. One of the things I wanted to automate was the creation of blog posts for our meetup blogs. This post describes how I used Kotlin Script and JSoup to scrape the meetup page and create the blog posts.

Brighton JUG & Kotlin Summer Social 🍺

June 2023 Brighton Kotlin Meetup - Summer Social

Overriding a Parent Dependency in Maven

How to override a parent dependency in maven and use Snyk to validate

How to override a parent dependency in maven and use Snyk to validate

Outputting the result of a mockMvc call

How to output the result of a mockmvc call to help with debugging